Statutory Documents & Resources
Pickerel Lake Sanitary District follows SD Codified laws under Section 34A. This page contains the the ordinances filed and any subsequent revisions.
South Dakota Statutes
Septic Tank Requirements:
74:53:01 - Individual and Small On-site Wastewater Systems (entire section)
74:53:01:25 - Minimum Capacities of Septic Tanks (How big does the tank need to be?)
74:53:01:19 - Distance Between On-site Wastewater System Components and Pertinent Ground Features (How far from the lake?)
Septic Tank Resources
As cabin owners, you are responsible for maintaining a healthy septic system to ensure your system works properly. Here are some resources you can check out to learn more about your septic system and how to maintain a healthy environment.
SepticSmart Homeowners (EPA.gov)
Maintaining Your Septic System - Best Practices (PIPELINE – Fall 2004; Vol.15, No. 4)
Additional Information
For general questions, please email: